(Please scroll down for English version)
That day, we were dancing in the warm classroom whilst her staring at us through the window with her big eyes. Five minutes later, she walked in and sat by our side. Five minutes later, she left. After the lesson, I found my bag opened with my phone and wallet gone. The place where I put my bag was exactly the seat she took.
I don’t really blame her for stealing my things. I pity her. She did this on the cost of her conscience and what for? The money in my wallet couldn’t even buy her a decent meal. I only blame her, why didn’t you dance with us?
Josepha said, do not feel sad for people who don't respect other's property.
But I know that there is only a slight gap between good and evil. Every single day during my unemployed period, I have to struggle fighting against the devil in my heart. Luckier than most of the unemployed people in this country, I have Taiwan to return to. However, can I really get rid of the devil in my heart by going back home? Return is not a solution but just a runaway option.
There are so many important things in life, say family, say love, say knowledge, or say conscience. But the devil is always there, raising the evil thoughts when you drop into the bottom. That girl’s eyes were deceived by the devil in her heart that she didn’t see the happiness of our dance but only the property in our bags. Why can’t I get rid of her big eyes from my mind? Because that could be me. I also have a devil living in my heart always fighting my conscience. But I’m not going to let it win. At least not yet.
If I could go back to that cold, windy day, or if the police can really catch that girl, I don’t care about my phone or my wallet but I would insist her dancing with us. She owes us a dance.