I've heard a saying that the thinnest books in the world are the German joke and the English recipe.
Time flies, I survive quite well in England throughout the year. Of course I managed to cook almost everything I want to eat, and more importantly, thank god that I met loads of English friends who are very willing to introduce their dining culture to me!
Sunday Roast & Yorkshire Pudding 週日烤肉 與 約克夏布丁
English family's tradition is to eat a big meal together in Sunday's noon or afternoon, and have some tea afterward. Since the meal is usually in a very large portion, dinner is not necessary on that day.
The 'decent' way of cooking the meal is cook a huge portion of meat in the oven. When it is well-done, slice the meat and add water, flour into the juice of the meat to make gravy.
Yorkshire Pudding 並不是甜的布丁,而是類似麵包的一種餅。以前人比較窮,傳統吃法是先吃 Yorkshire Pudding 墊肚子有點飽足感,再吃肉,這樣比較省錢。
Yorkshire pudding is not sweet but a pastry similar to bread. Traditionally, Yorkshire pudding is served first to make people feel full without consuming too much meat which is more pricy.
而且重點是,通常負責這種特別日子的料理的 (Event meal),都是男主人!從洗青菜、切青菜、烤肉注意火侯、作約克夏布丁、到調醬汁、切肉片上菜,男主人幾乎是一手包辦!(還有英國男生很丘的跟我說 “That’s the easiest thing in the world! (這是全世界最簡單的事情了!)”)
Instead of women, men are usually the one in charge of this kind of 'Event Meal'! Answering my question, "Do you know how to make Sunday roast and Yorkshire pudding?", one of my English male friend said proudly, "Of course! That's the easiest thing in the world!"
這也是典型的 Pub food (酒吧食物)之一,有些酒吧是讓你選三片肉(火雞、火腿、牛肉),然後配菜跟醬料自己拿。跟 Fish & Chips 比起來,營養均衡太多了!算是營養又好吃的英國食物!
This is also a typical 'Pub Food'. Compared with fish and chips, this is such a nutrition balanced English food! And plus, if it's well cooked, it could be very delicious.
* I noticed that English people tend to cook vegetable without seasoning. They ususally serve the boiled or steamed vegetable with sauce instead.
I once complained in a joky way, "Why don't you at least cook them with some salt?"
My tutor who is an English man said, "So that we can keep the natural sweetness of the vegetable!"
Jacket Potato 馬鈴薯外套
To be honest, I personally don't appreciate this dish very much. In fact, jacket potatoes only rate higher than sandwiches in my menu. But I still want to introduce a bit of this for the cute name and it's friendly to low budget dining.
This food is very simple. Just cut the potato, put something inside it, and roast it. That's all.
就這麼簡單的東西,他們也可以因為中間的料不一樣 (起司、鮪魚、豆子、生菜沙拉等等),就在菜單上落落長的寫好多種,我一開始還以為這是多麼厲害的東西,殊不知就是烤馬鈴薯!他贏過三明治的唯一原因,就是他是熱的…
I first thought it was something very special since it usually has a loooong list on the menu. But it turned out to be JUST POTATO with some different fillngs (or dressings)! The only reason for me to rate this higher than sandwiches is simply because it is served hot...
但如果你到英國酒吧,很餓又不想花太多錢,這大概是菜單上最便宜的食物 (僅次於薯條),配上一杯啤酒,馬鈴薯可以讓你一下子就吃飽。
Of course jacket potato still has it's value. If you went into a pub with a empty stomach, just order a pint of something with a jacket potato, then you can be kind of full without harming your wallet too much.
Sandwich 三明治
Basically, I've got no problem with sandwiches. In fact, I do make sandwiches quite often by myself. However, I never managed to persuave myself to buy an English sandwich from a shop.
But in order to keep the neutral principle (which is obviously not possible), here are some explanations from my English friends to tell the reason why they love sandwiches so much:
Firstly, sandwiches are very convenient. Just pick one, pay the money, take it away. No need to waste the time on waiting. (So glad that we've got loads of food that are also veyr convenient in Taiwan. And they are made fresh!)
Secondly, sandwiches are cheap.
I said, "It's not cheap! It's made with cheap ingredients and it's COLD! How can you say it's CHEAP?"
My friend said, "Well, everything is expensive here, just accept it."
第三,作得好的三明治很好吃。(但是也相對更貴) (英國人現身說法:It’s very easy to make a BAD sandwich, but if it’s a good sandwich, it could be VERY good! (要把三明治作的難吃很容易,但是如果作的好,三明治是可以很好吃的!)←我相信,因為我在法國有吃到讓我五體投地的三明治!但在英國… 我不想冒然花錢嘗試)
It’s very easy to make a BAD sandwich, but if it’s a good sandwich, it could be VERY good!
True, I believe that. I did have very good sandwiches in France which worth more than the price. But I'm afraid that the ones in England just don't seem to be that attractive.
My friend said, he likes to buy food that is ready-to-eat because he is lazy.
Sandwich is a good option for those who don't want to be too full in mid-day. Lots of shops offer lunch deal with combination such as sandwich+drink+crisps (or 'chips' in American English). For me, half-full is worse than full, so I have never tried them.
Butter & Bread Pudding 奶油麵包布丁
As the title tells, this is a kind of egg pudding with butter and bread added. (I'm afraid that English people are not very creative in naming the food.)
聽起來很普通,食譜也不難,但偏偏就是很好吃!尤其上圖是英國奶奶親手作給家人吃的奶油麵包布丁,簡直是驚為天人!好吃到讓我連上面點綴的葡萄乾都吃掉了,因為實在是瑕不掩瑜啊!尤其是熱騰騰的、淋上一些鮮奶油,吃下去,麵包裡充滿了布丁滑潤的口感,加上濃濃的奶油香… 讓人胖也胖得心甘情願!
Souds simple, and the recipe is indeed simple, but somehow it just tastes SOOOO good! The picture is taken in an English familiy. This bread and butter pudding made by their grandmother is absolutely amazing! Especially when it's served hot with creme, the smooth pudding mixed with soft bread... yum!
I believe that when they are willing to spend some time to care about food, English people do produce quality food!
This really depends on people. Some English people only consider food as the fuel of their body, whilst some English people believe the point of life is to enjoy good food!
I will introduce more English food in the future, especially desserts! English people generally love extremely sweet desserts. I enjoy quite a lot of them very much. If it's too sweet, than I'll have it with unsweetened tea or coffee!